Website Design and Development / SEO
Leading NZ Wine Brand
We worked with a leading New Zealand wine brand to help them to drive more traffic to their site through content. They had a very traditional wine website. Varietal pages, growing regions, contact information. All really well presented. All super-informative. The only problem was, once people had found out about a particular varietal they were interested in, there was nowhere else for them to go on the website.
We pitched an idea for a content hub which would celebrate each of their varietals and thankfully they jumped in with both feet.
Content Marketing
Website Design and Development
Building the Brand
Despite being one of New Zealand’s best known and loved wine brands, it was important to look at new opportunities to reach potential customers both in New Zealand and in key overseas markets. We knew it was important therefore to build a content hub that would deliver content that added real value to the main target audience.
We knew it was important to build relationships with customers and more importantly, prospective customers. By creating content around each of the varietals, we also helped to increase the topical relevance of the website which in turn allowed us to target a huge new pool of keywords that were highly relevant to the brand.

It was important for us to design and build a content hub that would reflect the brand. We worked closely with the team and our designer to deliver a design that had the ‘wow’ factor, but more importantly, was easy to navigate for the end user. Simple categorisation, a clean layout and amazing visuals really helped to bring the landing page to life and by adding links on the varietal pages back to this related content, we were able to create an awesome internal linking network of highly related content.
The Results
Following on from the launch, traffic was at first slow to gain momentum. We had to push really hard in this period to outreach all the amazing content that had been created both by ourselves and influencers around the world. Slowly, we started to gain some traction and after 5 months, we started to reap the rewards of all the hard work that had gone into building the hub.
Traffic started to rocket and importantly, the hub started to rank for lots of highly relevant keywords. The content hub had done exactly what we set out to do. Bridged a gap between what the company sold and what the customers who drank it did whilst they were drinking it.
For us, it was all about matching the content on the hub to the profile of the customers who were drinking the wine. Working with influencers and customers, we were really able to tailor the content to the target audience and ensure we hit the mark.
"Content marketing is the gap between what brands produce and what consumers actually want."