The digital marketing landscape experienced another significant shift with Google’s latest core algorithm update in August 2024. At Digital Hothouse, we have closely monitored this update and its impacts on our clients and the broader SEO community. In this post, we will break down what we know about the update, its effects, and what it means for businesses and SEO professionals moving forward.

On top of the core algorithm update which was confirmed by Google, it has been a turbulent time in the organic search environment over the past 2-3 months with a number of unreported updates preceding the core algorithm update.

These changes have undoubtedly had an impact on the search environment and websites around the world have been seeing large ranking fluctuations during this period.

For many webmasters, digital marketing professionals and agencies, this can be a challenging time. When keyword rankings shift significantly or on a regular basis, it is natural to look at quick fix solutions, however, this is not the best strategy as we will discuss later in this post.

Whilst core algorithm updates do impact websites both positively and negatively, the typical advice remains the same for all content publishers – continue to focus on producing high-quality content that adds value to your visitors and that advice never really changes.

Here is a rundown of what we know so far:

Update Timeline and Rollout

The August 2024 core update began rolling out on August 15th and was completed on September 3rd, taking 19 days to fully implement. This rollout was notably shorter than the March 2024 update, which took 45 days to complete.

Key Characteristics of the Update

Google stated that this update was designed to improve search result quality by promoting genuinely useful content and demoting content created primarily for search engine performance. Notably, Google aimed to address feedback from small and independent publishers who were negatively impacted by previous updates, particularly the September 2023 helpful content update.

Observed Impacts

Despite Google’s intentions, the update’s effects have been mixed:

– Many sites experienced initial ranking increases followed by subsequent drops.

A poll conducted by Barry Schwartz showed that 44% of respondents saw decreased rankings/traffic, 27% saw increases, and 29% observed no change.

– Some sites hit by the September 2023 helpful content update saw minor recoveries, but these were limited in scope and magnitude.

What This Means for Businesses and SEO Professionals

As we mentioned earlier, it’s easy to panic when you have been impacted by an algorithm update, but it’s important not to have a kneejerk reaction, especially as the update is still rolling out and even in the weeks just after the algorithm is confirmed as completed.

We have seen ranking fluctuations for some of our clients during this period, however, in the main the results at the end of the process have been extremely positive. Whilst we obviously look to target specific keywords for our clients that are relevant to their business, we always prioritise their target customers with any content we publish, whether that’s product pages, category landing pages, or supporting blog content.

Keeping your target audience front and centre when creating any sort of content is crucial and whilst you should include the primary keywords that people are using to search for related topics, it should be done in a way that is focused on delivering value to your audience.

In our experience, these are some of the areas you should focus on following an algorithm update:

  1. Focus on Quality Content: Google continues to emphasise the importance of creating content for users, not search engines. Ensure your content strategy prioritises user value and relevance.
  2. Consider Site Size and Independence: While Google aimed to boost small and independent sites, the impact wasn’t universally positive. However, this focus suggests that site diversity may play a role in future updates.
  3. Monitor Long-Term Trends: As with all core updates, it’s crucial to analyse your site’s performance over weeks and months, not just days. Avoid making knee-jerk reactions to short-term fluctuations.
  4. Utilise Google’s Updated Guidance: Google has refreshed its core update documentation, providing more detailed advice for sites experiencing ranking drops. Review this guidance thoroughly.
  5. Holistic SEO Approach: Remember that core updates look at overall site quality. Focus on improving your entire site, not just individual pages or content pieces.

For Those Negatively Impacted

If your site has seen a decline in rankings or traffic:

  1. Wait and Analyse: Give it at least a week post-update before drawing conclusions. Use tools like Google Search Console to get a clear picture of your site’s performance.
  2. Review Google’s Quality Guidelines: Conduct a thorough self-audit against Google’s quality guidelines.
  3. Prioritise Substantive Improvements: Focus on meaningful, user-centric enhancements rather than quick fixes. Removing content should be a last resort.
  4. Patience is Key: Even after making improvements, you may need to wait for future core updates to see significant ranking changes.

Digital Marketing agencies can really add value to sites that have been impacted by algorithm updates. Our expertise and experience in dealing with the fallout from any algorithm updates can really help to bring a measured approach to the tactics needed to recover, but more importantly, provide you with a long-term strategy to mitigate against any future issues that could be caused by further algorithm updates.

Looking Ahead

As AI continues to play a larger role in search, including Google’s AI-generated overviews, demonstrating true value and expertise in your content becomes increasingly critical. Stay focused on creating high-quality, original content that serves your audience’s needs.

At Digital Hothouse, we’re committed to helping our clients navigate these algorithm changes and maintain strong organic search performance. If you’re struggling to interpret the impact of this update on your business or need assistance in developing a robust SEO strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Remember, SEO is a long-term game. While core updates can cause short-term volatility, a consistent focus on quality and user experience will always be the best strategy for long-term success in search.

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